Do you ever feel your face getting swollen? As much as it looks bad, it’s also crucial to get to the bottom of the problem and figure out why it happens. Is it allergies? Water retention? Something else? You must visit an allergy center to get answers to these questions. Here is everything you need to know.

Allergies May Be The Cause Of Facial Swelling

Facial swelling is a common symptom that can be seen in allergies. There can be many reasons why your face is swelling, but the most plausible one is allergies.

Allergies are caused by external agents or even things present in the food you eat. The triggers that cause or aggravate allergies are known as allergens. They can include things like:

  • Pollen
  • Hives
  • Dust
  • Food components like wheat, gluten, dairy
  • Pet fur and dander
  • Insect bites

Seasonal allergies, more often than not, cause the face to swell and even though a definitive cause isn’t known, it’s mostly a defense mechanism of your immune system that’s unable to ward off the foreign invasion in your bloodstream.

Common Causes Of Facial Swelling

Here are some common causes of swollen face, that can or cannot be related to allergies.

Allergic Conjunctivitis

This is an eye allergy of sorts. In allergic conjunctivitis, the whites of your eyes can turn red and they can be very itchy. It can also cause the eyes as well as the upper part of your face to swell.


Anaphylaxis is a serious medical condition that’s caused after eating food that you are originally allergic to. Things like nuts, seeds, wheat, dairy products, or even specific meats can cause your body to go into anaphylactic shock. One of the symptoms aside from wheezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing, etc., facial swelling or angioedema is also quite common.

This is scarier than allergies because it can turn into a serious situation quickly and a person going into anaphylactic shock needs immediate medical attention. People with food allergies are highly susceptible to this condition and that’s quite daunting if you think about it. To avoid this, get proper treatment from an allergy doctor.


This non-allergy-related issue can also cause your face to be extremely swollen. Usually, pregnant women will experience unusual swelling, especially on the face and other parts of the body. However, preeclampsia is different, because it can also be a hazard for the baby as well as the mother. In this condition, the blood pressure spikes a lot and there is protein in the urine.

This can lead to hypertension after birth as well, and it can become a life-long issue. So, if you see your face starting to swell a lot during pregnancy, then it might be time to have a routine checkup with your doctor.

Drug Allergy

A lot of drugs can also lead to allergies, and one of the associated symptoms might include facial swelling. There are a lot of drugs that don’t sit well with people. Some people are allergic to ibuprofen, while some can have adverse reactions by taking steroids. Everyone’s chemical makeup is different, so different drugs will react differently.

Drug allergies can lead to angioedema and your face can be red and painful. It will only go away once you stop the medication.


Sinusitis is an issue with the ear, nose and throat. Usually, when you wake up in the morning, your nose can feel extremely stuffy, to the point where you feel pressure on the sides of the nasal bone, all the way to your cheeks. Your face might also be very swollen, especially in the morning.

Breathing will also be a nightmare and you’ll have a pounding headache because of the built-in pressure under your skin. Sinusitis can either be hereditary or it can be a direct symptom of allergies, like allergic rhinitis, dust allergy, or even pollen allergy. Once you get rid of the trigger, your face will be back to normal.

Bacterial Infections

A lot of bacterial infections can also cause the face to swell. Dental infections or trauma to the soft tissue on the face can lead to excessive swelling. If you have any scar or open wound on the face, then it can be an easy access point for bacteria to crawl inside and multiply.

This can also lead to swelling on the face and it will be extremely painful. You will see welts and patches form on the skin as well and if you press down on the swollen area, then it will also temporarily turn white.


Injuries, especially those left untreated, can also become infected and lead to facial swelling. If you’ve had an accident or if your face was injured in any way, then chances are that it might be swollen. Usually, after plastic surgery, like rhinoplasty, your face will be extremely swollen.

This is because your nasal bone was manipulated by force and the action caused the face to swell up. It does go away, given that you take care of the underlying injury properly and follow the doctor’s orders. It will subside after a few days following the surgery.

Treatments For A Swollen Face

If you want to alleviate the face swelling, then here are some things that you can try out:

Ice The Face

Icing is very soothing and it does wonders for your swollen face. If you experience swelling on the face, due to whatever reason, then try to alleviate it by using an ice pack. If you don’t have an ice pack on hand, then you can use a couple of ice cubes and wrap them up in a thin cloth as well and that will work just fine.

The cold temperature of the ice will not only get rid of the swelling but will numb any pain you’re feeling too.

Use Antihistamines

If you want to use medication to treat your swollen face, then you can use the good ole antihistamines. Antihistamines are used to get rid of internal swelling as well as the agents that caused it in the first place. You can get antihistamines over-the-counter and take 1 to 2 in a day. You will see the swelling go down after a couple of hours.

Antihistamines are also great if you want to combat routine allergic reactions. They work by taking care of the symptoms so that you feel better in no time.

Take Care Of The Injury

If your face is swollen because of an injury, then you need to take care of that. If you have a wound that requires dressing, then don’t skimp on it, otherwise, infections will be the norm and they will cause your face to swell and hurt even more.

Take your medication as well, especially if it is for treating your injury. Usually, hydrocortisone and steroid creams are prescribed to people who have grave injuries on their faces. Once the injury is taken care of, the swelling will naturally diminish over time too.


A swollen face doesn’t look the most pleasant and depending on the severity, it can take a lot of time to diminish and get back to normal. See an allergy specialist if you suspect it’s due to an allergy.