Before the winter season sets in, it is important that you perform maintenance on your gas furnace. The reason is that gas furnaces are hardly used during the summer season. This means, that it is highly likely that dust, dirt, and debris accumulation have taken place and you need heating service repair and maintenance before the winter season begins. Removing them and cleaning your furnace ensures that it does not catch fire. Therefore, we have gathered a list of some important safety tips for you to consider.


As mentioned earlier, it is possible that dirt and dust have made their way both inside and outside the furnace. This can create a hazard in the long run. However, you can avoid this by vacuuming both the inside as well as the outside.

At the same time, you need to make sure that you follow the instructions manual. This is because you will have to be a bit careful around sensitive HVAC components. In addition to that, the manual will also suggest the type of cleaning equipment to be used and when.

If you live in a dusty environment, you should vacuum your furnace at least once a month. If that is not possible, you can hire a professional cleaning service that will thoroughly inspect the furnace too to fix issues beforehand.

Furnace Rules

One of the most important yet ignored rules is that in the summer, kids tend to play around the furnace, which can be a threatening situation. When it’s time to fire up your furnace again, make sure that you sit them down and explain the dangers.

In addition to that, establish rules around playing the furnace. When the furnace is running, it can reach extremely high temperatures. And, it takes a single accident to end up with permanent injuries. If possible, you should install a gate that does not allow anyone to trespass.

Finally, keeping them away from the area will help them stay safe in every aspect.

Keep Air Flowing

Another basic safety tip related to gas furnaces is that there should be a sufficient amount of airflow. Your furnace needs fresh air to work. If it doesn’t receive the air it requires, it will begin consuming the oxygen in your house. This can be a dangerous situation, with no fresh air left inside the house.

Furthermore, if the airflow is blocked, the furnace will not be able to evenly warm up the entire house. As a result, your furnace will have to work harder, which will increase the energy costs. Therefore, it is important that you ensure your gas furnace is free of any obstructions that might be causing a problem.

Schedule Inspections

Perhaps the best way to avoid any mishap is to schedule inspections. Surprisingly, the majority of homeowners ignore this basic tip. During the winter season, the furnace is exposed to several external factors such as snow, dirt, and dust, etc.

In addition to that, dead branches and leaves can also get stuck inside. However, these issues can easily be prevented if regular inspections are performed. With that said, it is important that you only opt for certified professionals who know their way around gas furnaces.

Otherwise, you can easily end up spending a huge amount of money for nothing in return. Part of performing inspections is detecting minor flaws or damages. If they go undetected, such minor issues can easily turn into big ones. Ultimately, you will end up spending more money on repairs and replacements.

Keep Flammable Items Away

You have no idea how things can turn for the worst in the case of gas furnaces. Even a slightly flammable item can bring down the entire house. This means that you should keep anything that can catch fire, away from the furnace.

If the furnace is installed in your storage or laundry room, make sure to keep the room organized. Items such as papers, wood scraps, clothes, and old rags can easily catch fire. Keep them securely stored at all costs.

Final Word

Concluding, the above-mentioned gas furnace safety tips will keep you and your loved ones secure. Therefore, make sure it is maintained by furnace services ronkonkoma and also keep your eyes and ears out for anything unusual.