Do you have long overgrown trees on your property? If you answered yes, chances are you would want to have some branches cut and at least a couple trimmed. This is because overgrown trees pose a significant danger to you and your neighbors. Also, they may prove to be a genuine danger in the event of an unexpected occurrence. This is where arborist services may assist you.

Arborists and tree removal services are often specialists in tree pruning and tree removal. Additionally, they may provide insight on the method that should be utilized to ensure the tree’s general safety and health. If a tree is nearing death, the arborist will suggest tree removal.

When is it necessary to remove a tree?

Arborists suggest total tree removal as a last option if the tree gets diseased and dies. In this situation, it will be critical to remove the tree immediately. This is because dying trees have historically posed a significant threat to the ecosystem.

They may fall at any time, causing thousands of dollars in damage and injuries. If it falls from your porch and damages a neighbor’s vehicle, you may be responsible for additional expenses.

Typically, arborists or tree specialists would suggest tree removal when the tree is completely destroyed or when the damage to the wood exceeds 50%. If the root system is expanding out and causing harm to adjacent property, the arborist may suggest total removal.

Is it possible to contact tree services in an emergency?

To be sure, if an emergency occurs, such as a storm, and the tree falls, you may definitely contact an arborist immediately. However, it may cost you extra since the call will be urgent. Otherwise, you will need to make an appointment to phone them in.

Any competent tree removal service will trim the tree to perfection and remove any dangerous limbs, such as those infected with termites. If the risks are higher, the tree must be removed entirely.

It is critical to remember that you should never take such actions on your own in such situations. This is because tree cutting experts are educated and licensed to do this work. As a result, they can guarantee complete safety when removing the tree. On the other hand, if a layperson attempts to remove the tree, numerous dangers may arise.

After all, there are a variety of variables to consider. For instance, the method used is critical. Simultaneously, the angle at which the tree is chopped determines the region into which it will fall once split. Additionally, experts who are into cutting trees carry all necessary personal safety equipment. This equipment protects them against mishaps. As a result, a layperson should never attempt to trim or totally remove a tree on his or her own.


Generally, the cost of tree removal is determined by the scope of the work. The more hazardous and complex the task, the more expensive it will be. It is critical in this situation to get an itemized invoice. It should include the cost of every component. This will help you avoid any hidden and surprise costs.

Furthermore, do not forget to check the reviews of the company on the internet This is a foolproof way of determining whether a particular business is reliable or not. So, do not miss this step out.

As a result, you will know precisely how much you are spending and for what. Finally, always ensure that you are using the finest tree removal companies Chevy Chase has to offer. This is because tree removal is a delicate task that should be handled by an experienced firm!


Tree topping is the practice of cutting back all the large tree branches at random positions to make them shorter. Tree services providers observe that after this, you have large, stubby branches sticking out in all directions.

Why do people top trees?

Tree topping is often sold to the homeowner as a way of reducing the size of the tree, opening up the view, and increasing the safety of a home. You will find most homeowners topping their trees when they are trying to fix trees that are interfering with the electrical lines, growing near their homes, and those that are at the risk of coming down in the event of a storm.

You should note that after topping, the tree quickly grows back to its original size. It also tends to lose its original shape.

How is topping harmful to trees?

In addition to the tree losing its original, natural shape thus being ugly to look at, there are plenty of other effects of topping a tree. These effects include:

The tree grows fast: When homeowners are topping their trees, they want them to remain small, but this doesn’t happen. Tree topping has been shown to promote the growth of water sprouts. These are thin branches that grow straight upwards and often grow 4-10 times faster than normal branches.

Since the sprouts grow fast, you have to cut them regularly to keep the tree small. This leads to you having an endless cycle of topping. When you hire someone to do the topping, you end up spending a lot of money as you have to keep on hiring the topping professional.

Dangerous tree: The water sprouts that result after cutting the tree are often weakly attached to the branch. This means that they are likely to break off as they grow larger. The situation is made worse when the cut branch starts rotting at the end where the sprouts appear.

Due to this, you have tree branches falling off for no good reason. This puts your property and loved ones at the risk of getting hurt.

Increased risk to insects and diseases: In most cases, topped branches have large wounds that don’t heal properly. When the branch rots, the rotting material moves deep down the branch, leaving an open door for disease and insect infestation.

In some cases, the diseases and insects are so dire that you have to bring down the entire tree.

Dead tree: Since topping requires you to remove a large portion of the tree branches, some trees can’t take it. This is because there isn’t enough “food” to sustain the tree. This means that if the tree doesn’t produce enough branches within a given time, it eventually dies off leaving your yard without any trees.

What is the alternative to tree topping?

The alternative to tree topping is proper tree pruning. Here you need to hire an arborist or any other tree professional to help you out. You can also do the pruning by yourself if you have the skills. For you to undertake proper pruning, you need to ask yourself a number of questions that include:

What type of tree are you pruning?: Different types of trees require different approaches and if you go at them the wrong way you will be putting them at great risk. Is the tree deciduous or evergreen? What is its natural size and shape? You need to know this before you progress with the pruning.

Why are you pruning the tree?: This is crucial as you can prune the tree for different reasons. You can do it to adjust its shape, improve health, get more flowers, encourage growth of younger branches, among many other things.

When is the best time to prune?: Just as different trees require different pruning techniques, they also require to be pruned at different times of the year. For you to avoid hurting your tree, find an arborist MD and ask him/her the best time to undertake the pruning.

Where should you make the pruning cuts?: Again, different trees require different approaches. You need to find out whether you should cut the tree at ground level, on one side of the tree, a foot above, or at a specific area of the branches.

If you have an old tree, a damaged tree or a tree that threatens your life or your property, you should get rid of it as soon as possible. You can remove the tree by yourself or hire a tree removal services provider. For you to have a great time removing the tree, you need to consider a number of tips that include:

Be aware of your surrounding

Plenty of accidents have occurred as people remove trees unaware of their surroundings. For you to be on the safe side, you should take your time and sturdy your surroundings. Are there stones, cords, rocks, roots, or any other things that can hurt you when working?

Are there trees, branches or any other things that can prevent the falling tree from falling thus putting you and your property at risk? After inspecting the area, you should go ahead and try to fix any risky areas that might be there.

If there are trees in the area that you can get rid of, you should go ahead and do so. Most of the accidents come about due to improper handling of the chainsaw. When you aren’t operating the machine, you should switch it off and place it in an area where it can’t fall. The last thing you want is a saw falling on you and hurting you in the process.

Wear protective gear

You don’t need to dress as if you are going to war, but you should wear a protective outfit that will protect you from any danger that might come about as you are bringing down the trees.

You should always have a hard hat, googles, gloves, and if possible, hearing protection. The hard hat will protect you in the event a branch breaks off and falls on you. The goggles will protect your eyes from the debris falling from the tree or splitting out from the chainsaw.

The hearing protection will protect you from the loud noise made by the chainsaw. Tree surfaces are rough and by wearing the right gloves, you will protect your hands against the trunk. If you are wearing the right gloves, you will protect your hands when they get too close to the chainsaw.

For you to get the most from the protective gear, ensure that they are of high quality. They also should be of the right size as you don’t want units that keep on falling off.

Remove the right trees

Did you know that a lot of people remove the wrong trees? This not only leads to regrets as you get rid of a tree that you didn’t want, it also puts your life at risk as chances are high that the tree might fall on you or your loved ones.

Before you begin cutting down a tree, take your time and confirm that you are actually removing the right one. The best way of doing so is shaking it. When it moves, it’s most likely the right one.

Get rid of stumps

What do most people do after cutting down the unwanted or sick trees? they leave the stumps in place. In addition to the stumps being a hazard as you can easily trip on them, they are also an eyesore.

When you let them stay for a long time in your yard, they tend to be invaded by pests and insects which are often sources of diseases.

When you bring down a tree, you should work at removing the stump as soon as possible. You can remove it by yourself or hire a tree removal company to help you out. The cool thing is that there are plenty of ways in which you can remove the stump. You can use both mechanical and chemical ways to do it.

Have an escape route

Even with the right planning and awareness, anything can go wrong. For example, the wind might blow the tree in the wrong direction. For you to be safe, you should always have an escape plan in place. This calls for you to have an area in mind that you will use in the event things don’t go as planned.

You should note that in some states you might need the authorization of the local authorities before you bring down a tree; therefore, before you head to the tree removal companies Montgomery County, you should first visit the local authorities and let them know about it.

If you have many large oak trees, they might drop a lot of acorns to the extent that you feel like hiring a tree removal company to get rid of the trees. Before you decide to remove the tree, you should try controlling the acorns on your yard.

One of the main reasons why many homeowners want to get rid of the trees is because the acorns destroy their yards. For you to keep your yard clean, you should come up with measures to pick the acorns as soon as they drop.

Tips on how to pick the acorns

There are plenty of ways in which you can pick the acorns. Some of these ways include:

Lawn sweeper: If you already have a lawn mower, a lawn sweeper will greatly help you in getting rid of acorns from your yard. All you need to do is to attach the sweeper to your lawnmower and it will follow the mower from behind.

The sweeper will collect twigs, acorns, leaves, and any other materials that might come across. When you are buying the sweepers, there are plenty of them in the market that you can go for. There are those that use a suction device and others that rely on the scooping action to complete the task.

Leaf vacuum: Also known as a lawn vacuum, the leaf vacuum is used in collecting leaves, but you can also use it to vacuum up the acorns. The machine is powered by a small motor and after sucking up the debris, it directs it to the attached bag.

When you are buying or renting the machine, you should ensure that the motor is powerful enough to retrieve the acorns.

Rake: Raking the acorns is highly effective, but it’s often ignored by many people as its slow, especially if you have many oak trees that are dropping plenty of acorns.

You should use raking when you have just a few trees. After gathering the acorns into a pile, you should then scoop them using your hands or shovel.

Tarps: If you don’t want to go through the trouble of collecting the acorns after they have fallen off the trees, you should simply place a tarp beneath the base of the trees. After the acorns have fallen on the tarp, your next move should be to fold and empty the tarp.

You can rake the acorns into piles and dispose them in a green waste or compost bin.

Nut gatherer: This is a manual device that is made up of a long pole and cage that rolls along the surface of the lawn. When you pass the weasel over the acorns, the acorns are collected inside the basket. You should empty the basket as soon as it gets full.

How to control the annoying oak tree

You might be having too many trees or the trees might be producing a lot of acorns than you can handle. In such a case, you have to control the acorn production.

One of the ways of doing it is to use chemicals. There are plenty of chemicals in the market that you can use to reduce the number of acorns produced. The chemicals work in different ways, but in most cases, they stop the maturation of the fruits.

If you have tried to control the production of acorns and still the trees are still going on with acorn production, you have no way out but to hire a tree services MD professional to remove the tree.

When hiring the professional, ensure that he/she is certified and experienced enough to safely remove the tree without damaging the surrounding buildings.

While the trees provide shade and provide your home with character, if you don’t want to deal with acorns, you should avoid planting them in your yard.