CBD has been around for quite some time now and people are curious about its hidden benefits for treating many diseases and disorders. Here is everything you need to know about the effects of CBD for ADHD.

What Is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, shortly known as ADHD, is a common neurological development disorder, which can occur in children as well as adults. In this disorder, the attention span is highly compromised and people, mostly children, have a hard time focusing on things for too long. They also face trouble in controlling impulses and doing exactly what they’re feeling. This can include rocking the leg, clicking the teeth, shaking too much, moving limbs and other body parts impulsively, etc.

Normal people can control their impulsive urges and not act on them, but people suffering from ADHD will have a hard time doing so. They also have a tendency of being very active and they always need to do something, otherwise, they may become difficult to deal with.

Symptoms Of ADHD

  • Too much talking
  • Zoning out or daydreaming
  • Moving too much, aka, hyperactivity
  • Being socially awkward/or having a hard time making friends or acquaintances
  • Acting on impulses a lot
  • Doing reckless things or making mistakes a lot

Treatment Of ADHD

ADHD is treatable, as long as you are consistent with the process and don’t stray off the path. The common treatment method is medication and therapy. Medication helps a lot with calming the nerves down and letting the person relax and it also suppresses the need to act on impulses.

Therapy is for the general well-being of the person, in order to make them less anxious and shy and it helps to put the person out there, so that they can’t be held back, because of this disorder.


CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is derived from the hemp plant. It is a natural substance that helps with anxiety and relaxes the user. It might be quite fitting for CBD to be useful for ADHD, but that’s not entirely the case. When CBD first came out, there was tons of research done on it, to scope out its hidden benefits for treating anxiety disorders, and it was tested on people with ADHD as well

It can be said that more in-depth research is required to fully and safely state that CBD is effective in patients suffering from ADHD.

There have been some unofficial stories of people online, stating their positive experiences with CBD for ADHD, but these experiences need to be taken with a grain of salt, because the reviews of some people, and that too online, cannot build the foundation of treatment for approximately 7.5 million people dealing with ADHD.

There is a need for calculated and monitored research in which all of the boxes are ticked, otherwise, it can be considered as a bluff, especially when there’s no actual proof of it.

Can CBD Be Used As A Treatment For ADHD?

CBD is known for its relaxing benefits and while it has been approved by the FDA and other drug administrations in the world to be added to different medicines, it still doesn’t mean that there is recorded proof of it being useful in the treatment of other anxiety disorders.

Yes, CBD is useful and tremendously effective for treating sleep problems and even dealing with anxiety, but in the case of ADHD, there are a plethora of symptoms that need to be covered and unfortunately, CBD doesn’t seem to be effective in dealing with all of them.

There is still a lot to discover in the research of CBD to be fully effective in treating or to be used as an additional treatment for ADHD, this is why saying anything, for sure, can be hasty. It’s best to wait for more studies to be done on CBD before making any false claims and putting someone’s life at risk, for the sake of treatment.


There you have it! CBD might be setting its foot down in the pharmaceutical industry, but it still has a long way to go for treatments of disorders like ADHD. Discuss this with your physician before using any CBD products from a CBD store.