According to spine and back doctors, back pain is one of the most common types of pain in most people. In fact, some people have the belief that they can’t live without the pain.

You should note that it’s possible to live a pain-free life by avoiding the factors that put you at the risk of hurting yourself. To help you out, here are some of the things that you should avoid doing:

Failing to train properly

If you are like most people, you get free time during the weekends. Most of the people opt to hit the gym or go to the playing field. This puts you at more risk of hurting yourself as you are doing something that you aren’t used to.

Many people have reported injuries when playing basketball, golf, and even football. For you to avoid hurting yourself you should make a habit of exercising a few times within the week before you get on the field.

If you can’t get time to do it, you should always stretch before you start the game. This has been shown to greatly strengthen the core muscles thus keeping your back in stable position.

Lifting in poor posture

Lifting objects in poor posture is one of the leading causes of back pain in people working in factors and other areas that require them to keep on lifting heavy objects.

As you might have guessed, the key to avoiding hurting yourself when lifting is to ensure that you are in the right posture.

When lifting, you should bend your knees and keep your back straight. Orthopedic doctors recommend that you keep the objects as close to you as possible. You shouldn’t twist, pivot, or turn when lifting.

Regardless of how much you need to move an object, you shouldn’t move one that is more than 20% of your body weight.

Failing to pay attention when lifting

You can get away with walking around the house absent-minded but you might not get away with it when lifting heavy objects. For you to avoid hurting yourself you should always be focused when lifting. If you find yourself lifting without thinking about it, you should stop and pay attention.


These are some of the things that can damage your back. For you to be on the safe side you should always be mindful when lifting. In the event you hurt yourself, visit a reputable back pain doctor to help you in diagnosing the problem and fixing it.

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